One of My Weight Loss Tips was Featured on 

Just wanted to let  all my “Fellow Foodies” know that Keenan Mayo from the healthy eating website, Eat This, Not That, quoted a tip from me a few days ago in his article, "Sneaky Ways You're Gaining Weight and Don't Know It, Say Experts."

My tip calls attention to why it’s not good to put food platters on the table when serving family meals - especially, if you’re watching your weight. 

It was one of 12 tips contributed by various other experts in the field, and taken from my upcoming book, Eat Smart and Lose Weight: Research-backed Ways to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise.  

My tip (which appears below) warned about putting serving platters on the family table, and briefly explained how this practice can contribute to gaining weight. With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, it’s a good tip to keep in mind.  

You Dine with Platters on the Table, Thanksgiving-Style

One of the easiest ways to avoid over-eating is to make it slightly more difficult to actually reach your food. Conversely, one of the sneakiest ways to overeat is to simply have the entire smorgasbord in front of you all along.

"Putting platters on the table is one way you're guaranteeing that you're going to eat more than you want to," says health and food journalist Ruth Houston. "This will only encourage and facilitate a second and third helping. Instead, always plate your food in the kitchen, restaurant-style."

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